I'm Arpon Basu, an incoming Computer Science Ph.D. student at Princeton University. I completed my undergrad at IIT Bombay, graduating with Honors in Computer Science and a Minor in Mathematics.
You can navigate the webpage by clicking on the sidebar (top left corner).
I've done some expository writing, which you can find out about in the Expository Writing section.
I'm Arpon Basu, an incoming Computer Science Ph.D. student at Princeton University. I completed my undergrad at IIT Bombay, graduating with Honors in Computer Science and a Minor in Mathematics.
You can navigate the webpage by clicking on the sidebar (top left corner).
I've done some expository writing, which you can find out about in the Expository Writing section.
You can contact me at firstname.lastname@gmail.com.

A big thanks to Amit Rajaraman for lending his website template!

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